Saturday, 25 April 2009


Heylo..heylo..feel so happy today because I've been call for interview for the technical school..YEAH..haha..congratz to ACHAI AND FASHLI TOO! I don't know & just want to shout out this feeling. Finally~interview..hope I can cope with the question later. Support me GUYS..anyway~i just want to post this..hahahahahahahahaha..went crazy already bh

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

I like her!!!!

Hello guys...sorry lama no update,*Tunduk....Im quite busy+malas bh kn meng-update...I want to express my feeling this time..XD...nda bh~mcm bnr
Today aku terlihat Cassedee!lawa eyh...Hairstyle nya~bukan ea, I like the song 'homecoming' and thanx to cAchai because telling me about her

Monday, 13 April 2009

Charles...not char-les

Tahu apa maksudnya?no...well~mau tahu...hahaha

Today at Biology class, Syazwi, Hirdy Syafiq and Rahimi mengetawakan aku pasal nda tau cara menyabut charles...sehh!pastu dirumah tarus berlatih...Bagi malu kaliah,,,buleh!XD
Tapi nda apa kamu, Lain kali aku mengetawakan kamu semua kalau kamu buat salah

Especially Syazwi aka computer boy...bisai-bisai saja...wahahaha

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Happy Sun-day??

Yo guyyss~apa khabarnya...School macam biasalah, umm~kali ane aku pakai Bahasa kitani iaitu Bahasa Melayu saja ah..pasal paning ku masa ane...APAKAN?and kekanyangan makan setangah kek..aiyooo~kana paksa lah

Hari ane berjalan yo...keLambak..Siuk yooo~sepupu ku Birthday...disini aku nda dapat mem-post kn gambarnya atas sebab masalah teknikal camera ku...(kacau banar!)


Monday, 6 April 2009

School & homework...

Heylo guyss...Thanx ah yg still reading & supporting my blog...My uncle Sherroney yg ada di SMMHT masa ane..Thank you berabiz banar2,ahaha...tapi thanx jua menyebarkan nama baru ku arah orang lain..Let them know~what is Golgi?and it's must memorise it..For students who take O level this year,you must remember me in order to get A in Biology...hahaha...I'm not joking,ok?

Today,homeworks keep bertambah and bertambah,yesterday I just finished two of my homeworks and today I got two more coming...Too much homeworks can make me cry~ahaha,my GP presentation I already finished it..Thank god!I hope my classmate and Sir Raj AKA Kingfresh like it...XD...but I dont want to bagitau to my friends apa yg Funny dalam atu...Just wait ahh~hehehe

Yesterday night I went to my uncle house..I miss my cousin so much..Syuhada,Dilah,Didik and my dear uncle...uncle Asri,uncle Farid and all uncles..ahaha,Auntie!I miss you all too...My auntie Lin ckp yg aku makin kurus & makin karing~what!aku cakap lh yang makanan arah SMSO terlampau sedikit and I do lot of exercises masa orientation atu...wahahaha...After having dinner,me and my cousin leat Photo album kami masa damit..Inda abis2 ketawa sampai balik..ehehe~durang cakap yang gambar ku masa damit 'Chubby' huh!payah durang atu

I took this picture secretly...wahaha
My adik and cousin...Syuhada

Thursday, 2 April 2009


I've got a new name-Golgi body!ahaha...not a very good name GUYSSS...You want to know how I got that name?XD...Teacher Laly asked me whether golgi body or apparatus is a nice name and I'm blank at that time,so...I just say YES!Then my worst nightmare begin...All my friends start calling me Golgi...sigh~I just want my name back!ahahaha

The last 2 days,I heard two gossips about me...I don't know where they got that...Aku bukan jenis yg selalu kana gossip & sometimes nda suka kana gossip...COME ON LAH!I don't think yang satu atu banar but another one no need to tell you...wahahaha!

I'm emo...always crying and nobody likes crybaby so don't like me if you hate crybaby so much!