Friday 22 January 2010


Sunday, 10th January 2010


Friday 1 January 2010

How to get rid of....

Bored at home.

  1. Get a Pet or Play with your Pet - This is the main purpose of a pet: to provide you with company and entertainment. If you have a dog, go out and play fetch or go for a nice long walk. If you are a cat person, get a ball of yarn or your laser pointer and play with your cat. If you notice your pet is smelly, you might as well give it a nice bath. Chasing your pet to give it a bath might even get rid of your boredom instantly.
  2. Engage in a Hobby - A lot of people today engage in hobbies. You can create simple items that can either be practical or for display purposes. There are many sources and ideas for home projects you can do by yourself. Just decide what interests you. Of course, the project you will do will take some time to complete, keeping you busy for several boring weekends. When you are finally done, go find another thing to do.
  3. Invite Friends Over - Now, if nothing above appeals to you, then pick up that phone and call some of your friends to come over. Who knows? They might be dead bored too. Tell your friends to bring some movies, music, or anything that can keep you guys busy the whole day.
  4. Inspect your House - If you are really desperate, then this will keep you busy for several hours. Check pipes and the roof for leaks, windows and doors for cracks, or clean your house. You might want to clean the air conditioner, repair electrical wiring, or anything else that needs attention in your home. *MALAS KU BUAT BARANG ANI EHHH*
I like yang number 3 & 4 saja! HAHAHA