Wednesday, 29 July 2009

After School~

Today Nda banyak Belajar... I think only Mathematics saja Belajar, for Ugama and Applied computing...Naah~no teacher came in Sigh~So we just fool around, chit-chat until mathematics class. Hahh! Maths & maths... I think I need tuition class because I forgot some of the topic already and need to refresh it. Anyway~the best part for today is "Nda Jadi Ragging" haha. Nasib baik Hujan so they cannot 'Jamur' us outside HAHA!
At the afternoon, Yeahh~We went to the 'Mall Gadong' because no ECA so we are allowed to go home early. Tapi lain pulang destination kami HAHA! Macam biasa with my new Gang cAdib, Abehh, Fizah, Fihaa and ME. Disana buat panat-panat jer lahh haha! Nah dibawah ada video masa arah Kbox, buang stress lerr nyanyi lagu Jiwang-Jiwang haha! =P
Hahh~Miss SMSO alot...Still belum ambil my Leaving Certificate. I think I will take it when the right time comes and When is that? I don't know when. Maybe after I get my driving license next year. When I'm in attachment~Ohh...talking about attachment. I'm still not ready to work yet because apa ah? Whatever lah HAHA! I think you guys understand why I felt this way. =D

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Friday.. Holiday

Hello & good morning...Thank god Friday is a holiday for student. So tired mahh~everyday went early to school and back home late afternoon SIGH~. Anyway, yesterday was fun macam biasa Lunch at Restoran Seri Mama and spent about $7-8 haha =D but it worth guys! Makanannya nyaman & murahlah jua.
After lunch, Went to bookstore to check the instrument needed for drawing the plan. And harganya~Ya Ampun! It's damn mahal...The total for all instument is about $150.00++ and not including the technical pen & pencil which both cost about $200.00++. I'm afraid to tell my Mama about it because~apa-apa aja lah
Then~at 2 p.m, Had class...We learn how to draw a map and it's so damn payah because don't have experienced but our Sir is baik. Just angkat tangan and he will come (*macam superman) haha but sure the class is fun~...NAH! I got pictures for you guys~jangan tah komplen-komplen =P

Chewah! pandai acting arkitek ani HAHA!
Concentrate~cFizah our Assistant class rep. PEACE!
I think that's all for now~Don't know apa lagi kan diTulis...Ok! I will try rajin-rajin update blog ani =D BYEEEeeeee~~

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

I'm Tired

Hello and good afternoon. Now I'm no longer in SMSO and masa ni arah MTSSR. I no longer call the teacher..teacher but Miss for girl and Sir for boy. Breaktime at the afternoon is awesome bcoz it is from 12 to 2 o'clock. Great! Now have lot of new friends from various school-MD, MSPBS, PTEK, PTEB, SMSA and previous school SMSO.

sorry for no update...I think sampai
jua sebulan nda update
behabuk eh!

One thing that make me happy is bcoz 'NO ORIENTATION DUDE'. That mean hell no way senior bully the 'FRESHY' haha. Here is the subjects that I take arah MTSSR
  • Language & communication
  • Mathematics
  • Applied computing
  • Construction technology
  • Materials technology
  • Architecture design and draughting
  • Construction surveying and levelling
  • Building quantities and estimating
  • Ugama (This is a must! )
  • Integrated assignment ( ani yang bagi sakit kepala )
Huh... My subjects makin banyak but sure will catch up because My Azam sudah berubah. I will study banar-banar no main-main anymore...CHEWAHH!

This is my bestfriend at this time...Fihaa
Showing some model
sama jua macam diatas

p/s:Kawan-kawan yang ada di SMSO...
I miss u all so much...
Ok! that's all for now...
Bye & see ya... =)